Hello from Pastor Nathaniel

UCCVF is a caring, welcoming congregation. We support our members through both spiritual and social engagement with programs and practices that extend into our daily lives. Engagement starts with a busy Sunday morning, but continues with Bible studies, music groups, fellowship activities, and social outreach.
We are an open and affirming church that warmly welcomes all people. We aspire to be a diverse congregation, made up of various ages, races, ethnicities, sexual orientation and gender identities. Whoever you are, wherever you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here.
We are committed to community outreach and social justice. We have strongly supported Our Church’s Wider Mission with personal and financial resources. Our members participate in a wide number of outside organizations that focus on achieving racial equality and support of underserved communities.
Our faith and spiritual connections are deep and continue to grow through our shared experience as a congregation. We value tradition, but also are interested in discovering new ways to explore and demonstrate our faith. Our congregation is open to new approaches to worship, Christian education, and the life of the church.
We share are affiliated with the United Church of Christ nationally, and regionally with the Pennsylvania Southeast Conference of the United Church of Christ.
Feel free to reach out to me here!
In Faith, with Courage,
Pastor Nathaniel