Community Garden

UCCVF Community Garden 2024

We planted our seeds (and plants) and are helping them grow!

This is a very exciting time for gardeners – all that work growing seeds in the winter is finally starting to pay off!  We grew most of our tomatoes from seeds along with some peppers and eggplants.  Our cukes, peas, beans, spinach, beets were directly sowed into the garden.  We have mint and companion plants planted in and around our garden to try to keep pests away.

Our garden may be tiny but we hope to contribute lots of fresh produce to the Great Valley Food Cupboard, again, this season.

Save the Date: Saturday, September 14, 2024
1pm to 4pm

We are also growing some ideas about an event for gardeners in our area.   More details coming soon.

A Little History

In March 2023 UCCVF we started our Community Garden.  We decided that almost all (99%) of our produce would be donated to the Great Valley Food Cupboard.  Our volunteers take turns weekly to care for all of the beds in the garden.   

In our first growing season our garden grew from a lawn to just under 100 sq. ft. of raised garden beds.   From our tiny garden we donated over 200 lbs. of tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, kale, radishes, basil, and beans for 15 weeks during the summer of 2023.

July 2023 - our garden's first season

Our 1st Seed Swap

In February 2024 we had our first ever seed swap!  What a lot of fun meeting other gardeners in our area.  Lots of seeds were swapped.  We had baked goods and beverages and a cafe so you could sit, relax, and tell tall garden tales.

Did you plant you seeds, yet?  Here are some photos of our tomatoes loving their hydroponic growing stations.

March 13, 2024
March 25, 2024
April 3, 2024 - We are already up-potting these tomatoes!

Would you like to help grow fresh produce for the Great Valley Food Cupboard?  We would love to meet you.  Please Contact Us