Children, Youth, & Sunday School
Worship, Learning, and Fellowship for everyone
Including people of all ages in the life of our church is important to us.
Sunday School, including infant and toddler care, is offered to all children. All children and youth experience the beginning of the worship service with their family, and after Children’s Sharing Time, midway through the service, the children and youth leave worship for their classes. Of course, the children and youth are always welcome to remain in worship with their families for the entire service, if desired.
In addition to Sunday School, the children are encouraged to participate in the worship experience by volunteering to light the Christ candle, assist with ushering duties and participate in the children’s and youth choirs.
Sunday School Curriculum
The Sunday School curriculum for all ages is centered on God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. All our classes are led by a core of dedicated church members with two adults per class.
Each Sunday school lesson, regardless of which age-
Baptism & Confirmation
In our faith tradition, most (but not all) youth were baptized as infants or young children, which was a celebration of their inclusion in the Body of Christ. At that time, parents and the faith community made promises to nurture our children in the Christian faith so that they would be able to “affirm their baptism,” to claim for themselves their continuing journey in Christ. Confirmation class is one way the church honors our promises to our children, offering an opportunity to deepen their faith and understanding of God, as well as better equipping them to choose to enter into their own covenants as disciples of Christ and members of the church.
This ministry is usually offered every other year to youth in late Middle School or early High School. The Pastor has a primary role in leading this class.