We can’t overemphasize the importance of mercy

We really can’t overemphasize the importance of Mercy in the meaning of the Gospel.

Mercy is central to the transformative power of the Gospel, central to Jesus’ teachings, and to the ways he embodied God’s love, central to a faithful life and witness. 

Mercy is also, I’m coming to see, central to the deepest spiritual needs of so many of us in our day, as in Jesus’ time.

How many folks need some more Mercy in our lives? How many folks are in need of receiving Mercy? How many folks are in need of giving Mercy, of becoming more merciful?  In our hearts, in our families, in our communities, in our society, in our world, how much do we suffer to due mercilessness? How much is Mercy, shared Mercy, Mercy received and mercy given, how much is Mercy at the heart of what our hearts need?

Mercy, I’m glad to report, is key to the central stories and the central symbols and the central teachings of the Christian faith.

Read Rev. Nathaniel Mahlberg’s full sermon from April 21, 2024, here.