How to walk the labyrinth at UCCVF

During Holy Week, we remember how Jesus offered all of himself, relinquishing control to God. We’re reminded that this is not the end of the journey! New dimensions and new pathways will follow, as they did for Jesus and those who followed him. Receive God’s forgiveness and love and promise of new life. 

Invite God’s presence to journey with you as you continue on. Your path out of the labyrinth will mirror the one on which you entered, but you may find that the return journey “feels different”… Just observe whatever images and thoughts emerge for you, and let them be part of your meditation.

WHY use a labyrinth?

This ancient spiritual practice of “walking meditation” through a winding pathway invites clarity, insight, and peace.

Walking a labyrinth quiets the mind and allows us to reconnect with our natural physical and spiritual rhythms, and with the deeper mysteries unfolding within and around us.

Journeying through the labyrinth with others is a reminder of our individual and collective spiritual paths.

Tips for walking the labyrinth

Please respect the quiet of this meditation space. Avoid talking with people while you are walking the labyrinth, although you are welcome to smile, hug, hold hands, et cetera, as a way to connect and share love with others on the journey. 

Consider setting an intention for your labyrinth walk. 

Start at the beginning, walk slowly, and just follow the path. There are no wrong turns, and you won’t get lost. 

If you meet others going the other way, gently move around each other so that you may both continue. 

As you walk through the long sections, think about times when you have experienced expansiveness. As you go around the turns, think about the twists and turns you have experienced. Observe how both experiences are part of the spiritual journey, and that God has been with you through it all. 

When you get to the center, pause. Reflect on the journey you’ve just taken. Release any burdens to God, who meets you here. (You may leave your stone here, if you carried one into the labyrinth. Offer the concern to God, and let it go.)